1.The official said such a program would be in keeping with other measures to help workers who have lost jobs in the current recession.
2.Do not let this current recession deceive you; someone with a college degree is prone to financial security.
3.Given the likely depth and length of the current recession, consumers will not continue to spend at the same level.
4.In other words, the ideology could well feature strongly in future historians' account of the current recession.
5.A CNN poll found that almost 60 per cent of Americans expect the current recession to turn into a depression.
6.In the current recession, he explained to me when we spoke on the telephone yesterday, everyone is "thinking like an entrepreneur. "
7.Global imbalances lie at the heart of the current recession; failure to address them will abort recovery and lead to currency wars.
8.As you can see from the BEA graph, the current recession has had a huge impact on the personal saving rate.
9.This makes the current recession at least as bad as any since the second world war.
10.China's impressive performance during the current recession also suggests it has entered a new stage in its development.